Courses, Parent Education, Professional Mentoring, & Online Program Consultation Ages and Stages,® LLC
Resources for Feeding, Eating, Drinking, Speech, and Mouth/Airway Function

TWO- TO THREE- MONTH TYPICAL DEVELOPMENT CHECKLIST (©Diane Bahr) Place a check mark next to the characteristics you see in your two- to three-month-old baby

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Typical 2- to 3- Month-Old Baby

YES   NO  
Begins to control suckling reflex (non-nutritive, front-back tongue movement, approximately 2 per second)        
Moves tongue with increasing skill in the mouth        
Sucks longer without a pause over time (different on bottle than breast)        
Brings hands together & to mouth when on stomach (by 2 months) & on back (by 3 months)        
Mouth, nose, & throat areas are growing/changing with easy nose breathing & mouth experiences        
Closes mouth during sleep & when mouth is inactive (nothing in mouth, not feeding, mouthing hands, or making vocal sounds)        
Rests tongue in the roof of the mouth to help maintain the broad palate shape        
Is free of tongue, lip, & cheek ties        
Follows parent’s or care provider’s movement with eyes        
Can match some pitch & duration of human voice        
Vocalizes in response to speech        

BODY DEVELOPMENT (Typical 2- to 3- Month-Old Baby)

When Held Upright (Typical 2-Month-Old)
Holds head up steadily in line with body for a few minutes (1 to 2 months)        

When on the Stomach (Typical 2-Month-Old)
Turns head to each side resting on the ear        
Lifts head for approximately 5 seconds (1 to 2 months)        
Lifts head briefly to a 45-degree angle while leaning on the upper chest & bending hips        
Lifts head in slight rotation, in the middle (midline), and/or with bobbing        
Uses vision along with head control        
Brings head/mouth to hand for calming        
Begins pushing body upward with arms        

When Turning Head & Body to Each Side (Typical-2-Month-Old)
Turns body with full head turn to side when lying on back (log roll)        
Turns from side to back from each side (1 to 2 months)        

When on the Stomach (Typical 3-Month-Old)
Rests arms symmetrically around the head        
Lifts the head in the middle (midline) at 45- to 90- degree angles without bobbing        
Shifts body weight from side-to-side as head moves to left or right (may roll to the side if body weight is adequately transferred)        
Visually tracks an object horizontally across 180 degrees while looking upward        
Props & bears weight on the forearms with elbows in line with or in front of the shoulders (crucial for shoulder development)        
Lifts the chest & lower the hips        
May make finger scratching movements or swimming motion with body & legs when seeing a toy        
Lowers head & shoulders when raising the hips (weight is shifted forward, minimal kicking occurs)        

When on the Back (Typical-2-Month-Old)
Begins gaining control over moro/startle reflex        
Turns head to each side & lifts chin        
May assume fencing posture with head turning (arm reaching outward on face side, elbow bent on skull side – asymmetric tonic neck reflex/response)        
May swipe at toys on the side where head is turned        
May briefly hold an object placed in the hand but not attend to it        
Seldom has head in the middle (midline)        
May visually follow a preferred object from midline to each side & from each side to midline while beginning to use binocular vision        
Head control & vision work together        
Moves arms vigorously (1 to 2 months)        
May rest legs in a several positions (e.g., frog-legged position)        
Uses movement variations when kicking        

When on the Back (Typical 3-Month-Old)
Moro/Startle reflex begins to disappear (become integrated by the brain) between 3 & 6 months        
Has head close to or in midline (middle of body), & begins to tuck chin toward chest & look downward        
Rotates head from side-to-side while lengthening back of neck (may turn body onto side)        
Visually follows a toy/face horizontally from side-to-side        
Typically has hands open with wrists & fingers spread        
Shows increase in hands & eyes working together (eye-hand coordination)        
Demonstrates increase in moving just enough for an activity (grading) & moving one body part separate from another (dissociation)        
Brings hands to the body in an increasingly coordinated manner, & begins to gain control over palmer grasp reflex/response        
Uses hands with increasing intention to explore mouth, body, clothing, & care-providers (body awareness & touch/tactile experience)        
Often has feet together for body awareness/touch experience (frog-legged position)        
Stretches hip, leg, knee, & ankle muscles when moving legs        

Primary References

•Bahr, D. (2018). Feed your baby and toddler right: Early eating and drinking skills encourage the best development. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons.
•Bahr, D. C., & Hillis, A. E. (2001). Neurological and anatomical bases. In D. C. Bahr Oral motor assessment and treatment: Ages and stages (pp. 1-41). USA: Pearson College Division.
•Bly, L. (1994). Motor skills acquisition in the first year: An illustrated guide to normal development. USA: Psychological Corp.
•Feldenkrais, M. (1972). Awareness through movement (Vol. 1977). New York: Harper and Row.
•Morris, S. E., & Klein, M. D. (2000). Pre-Feeding skills: A comprehensive resource for mealtime development. (2nd ed.) . San Antonio, TX: Therapy Skill Builders.
•Neuro Restart (2019). Primitive reflexes. Retrieved from
•Vulpe, S. G. (1994). Vulpe assessment battery-revised: Developmental assessment, performance analysis, individualized programming for the atypical child. East Aurora, NY: Slosson Educational Publications.