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Question & Answer - Oral Sensory-Motor, Myofunctional, Vocal Tract, & Airway Information

What is the intervention of Fonoaudiology Un Stetics?

Miriam Flores, Speech-Language Pathologist in San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

August 2017


How many of you exercise your face's muscles? It's a part of our bodies that we don't usually exercise. The face has many muscles which need our attention. If we start exercising the facial muscles, we'll look younger because many wrinkles should vanish. 

Now the question is: “How do we get to this point?” We do this with a specific treatment using fonoaudiology facial exercises. 

Fonoaudiology is a science of health which covers language and communication, the voice, hearing, and everything related to orofacial motoricity. The muscles of head and neck play a major role in these processes. And, fonoaudiology can teach us how to work these muscles in order to get a change in facial expression and free us of wrinkles with a beautiful touch of freshness.

The first step consists of completing a full assessment and obtaining a complete patient history. Then, we make sure our patient is ready for the treatment. We check all of the motor functions of face and neck. We also pay special attention to certain abilities and functions such as breathing, swallowing, sucking, chewing, blowing, whistling, etc. Additionally, we check for a prevalence of unilateral chewing or oral breathing, amongst other processes. We take pictures and even video record our patients with the proper consent. We explain the idea is to compare oral and facial structures and movements before and after results are obtained with the treatment. 

Once we complete this, we begin our treatment. Our patients let us know their expectations. We begin with different movements. Some are passive, and others are active (e.g., exercises against resistance). We don't use creams or machines, just our hands. Facial muscles are guided by certain movements with only one aim to achieve (i.e., to appropriately strengthen the muscles to attain a facial change).  We want to see an evident change in our patient’s expression showing an increase in skin muscle tone. We see significant benefits in face and neck muscles. Double chins often diminished, the lip outline improves, and even eyes show a glimmer of glam and youth.

This treatment is indicated in people ages 25 to 75 years, is mostly preventive beginning at age 20 and highly therapeutic beginning at age 30. It’s very useful if you have lost weight abruptly or if you just want to look younger.  So, whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, you will feel better and raise your self-esteem. People seek better quality in their lives and usually noninvasive treatments are preferred. This treatment is exactly that. And best of all, patients don't lose their genuine expressions. They just have a look of youth and freshness. 

About the Author

Miriam Flores, Phonoaudiologist, University of Buenos Aires, college of Medicine, Speech Therapy. Coordinator of the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Area of ​​Boulogne City Hospital, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Trained in Orofacial Motricidad, and Phonoestética. She currently works as a trainer in Speech Therapy and Facial Aesthetics, and rejuvenate for the facebook and neck rejuvenation. Email: